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Our process is 100% Eco-Friendly

Deck and Fence Washing Services

With our deck and fence cleaning services, we can help clean pergolas, pool decks, retaining walls, and more. We do not just wash decks and fences, we treat them.

Bacteria, fungus, and algae growing on the exterior of buildings are more closely associated with an infection than a stain. Sometimes removing the contaminants from the surface isnā€™t enough. The result is, the ā€œinfectionā€ returns quickly. Because of this, we apply a solution to the freshly cleaned surface to help slow/reduce the regrowth of contaminants.

Some wood surfaces can be damaged by high pressure washing techniques commonly used for concrete and other hard surfaces.Ā  Thatā€™s why we choose the correct approach for each individual surface in order to prevent irreparable damage.

Our process is 100% Eco-Friendly and is a no-damage, safe, and affordable Soft Washing technique. Call Ethanā€™s Roof & Exterior Washing today for a free estimate!

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Before / After

don't damage good healthy surface areas

Pressure Washing Blasts Away Healthy Surfaces

Our no pressure process treats the problem areas without damaging good healthy surface areas. We clean pool deck and fences with care. As rare as the case might be, we do have the ability and IF ASKED AND NEEDED, to apply high pressure to get rid of stains. Many of the local retailers sell equipment and chemicals to do a pretty good job but if you want a job to last through the years itā€™s best to hire aĀ  professional.

If you do, be sure they are properly insured, certified in areas of washing, and have great customer reviews. We pride ourselves in having great reviews and strive to provide quality that warrants that great review. We are a local family owned and operated business since 1998 and our reputation is everything. If we see you out and about we are glad to say hello, knowing we did a great job for you.

we cover it all

Our Services

Our company offers a variety of exterior cleaning services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help make your home exterior shine!

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